My grandson is almost three and is the cutest and sweetest little boy. I get to keep him sometime when Aaron and Bobbi go out. We have a lot of fun. He is all boy and loves to play.
Just wanted everybody to see the cutest grandson in the world!
Laceylikes to get on the pillows to nap. When I come home from work I can always tell where she has been, because the pillows are all mashed down. She thinks nobody can see her. Here is her pretending to hide.
The kids come back to school on Wednesday. Some will be excited and some will NOT! I'm praying this will be a good year. I've had Daisy all week while Aaron , Bobbi and Keegan have be in Jacsonville. Keegan is doing good and we give God all the glory for his healing. He stil has a few more things to go through, but it will be over soon.